Recently we had a chance to host a luncheon for our Champions For Youth table captains, and invite them to meet our newest executive leaders as well as to provide their valuable feedback on how we can improve the event for years to come!
In addition to the catered lunch and conversation, Daybreak staff were able to present table captains with a special commemorative lapel pin noting the number of years each captain had served.
Wondering what a table captain is? Our biggest event of the year (Champions For Youth) relies on passionate supporters of Daybreak’s mission to invite others to the event, essentially becoming an ambassador and first point of contact for new potential supporters!
Would you be interested in helping us make new connections in the community, while supporting the critical mission of helping homeless and at-risk youth here in Dayton?
Call (937) 395-4600 ext 130 or send us a facebook message to learn more today!