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Daybreak Strategic Plan

What’s the future of Daybreak?

Every year in the Miami Valley approximately 1,800 youth become homeless. Daybreak’s only goal is to help as many of these young people as possible build their paths out of homelessness and into adulthood. Period. End of story.

To do this, a three-year strategic plan guides the growth of Daybreak, the sole provider of services for vulnerable and homeless youth in our region.

The plan is rooted in Daybreak’s six core values:

  1.  We are honest and trustworthy.
  2.  We are responsible and accountable for our actions and decisions.
  3.  We identify problems and and brainstorm solutions.
  4.  We collaborate and are open to new ideas.
  5.  We share information and communicate effectively.
  6.  We treat each other with dignity and respect.

In addition, Daybreak’s strategic plan calls for us to expand our services in order to find and engage as many homeless and vulnerable youth as possible.

Want to see where we’ll be in three years? Check out our strategic plan here.

Client Rights

Daybreak’s clients, and members of their families, have certain rights. Those rights are outlined in Daybreak’s Client Rights Statement.

The Client Rights Officer accepts and oversees any grievance or violation of client rights. Kristie Borello is Daybreak’s Client Rights Officer and is available during business hours.

Kristie Borello
Client Rights Officer
605 S Patterson Blvd
Dayton, OH 45402
937-395-4600 ext. 234

Client Privacy Practices

Daybreak is required to protect the privacy of our clients’ health information. Our Notice of Privacy Practices describes clients’ rights regarding their protected health information and how Daybreak may use and disclose clients’ medical information.

Clients may file a complaint with our Privacy Officer if they think Daybreak violated their privacy rights or if they disagree with a decision Daybreak made about access to their protected health information.

To file a complaint, complain about our privacy practices, or ask questions about our Notice of Privacy Practices, please contact Kristie Borello during business hours.

Kristie Borello
Privacy Officer
605 S Patterson Blvd
Dayton, OH 45402
937-395-4600 ext. 234