

Robert Vysther, Daybreak’s Longest Consecutive Year Donor: 27 years and counting.


Robert Vysther—Daybreak’s Longest Consecutive Year Donor---27 years and counting. “I had an opportunity to help and I did,” says Robert Vysther. It seems like a simple statement, but what some may not know is Robert has made a tremendous impact on homeless youth for twenty-seven years! Robert is Daybreak’s longest consecutive year donor. Naturally, we wanted to get to know Robert and learn why he cares so much about helping homeless youth. Robert first learned about Daybreak in 1997 when he saw a Daybreak display at a Barnes & Noble store. Robert was impressed by the display and took [...]

Robert Vysther, Daybreak’s Longest Consecutive Year Donor: 27 years and counting.2023-09-26T16:00:54-04:00

Donor Stories: Mike & Terry Bevis


Mike and Terry Bevis True advocates for Daybreak youth, today and in the future. “Daybreak is a gem of the Gem City,” said Daybreak donor and supporter Terry Bevis. While we agree with that statement, it is our donors, like Mike and Terry Bevis, who are the gems of Daybreak. 15 Years and Counting. Mike and Terry have been involved with Daybreak for fifteen years as donors and for twelve years as table captains at our annual fundraising event, Champions for Youth. “I like the opportunity to ask someone who doesn’t know a lot about Daybreak to come with [...]

Donor Stories: Mike & Terry Bevis2023-09-27T13:17:04-04:00


  • Address: 605 South Patterson Boulevard Dayton, OH 45402-2649
  • Crisis Hotline: (937) 461-1000
  • Administrative Offices: (937) 395-4600
  • Fax: (937) 395-4610
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