
CFY Table Captain Luncheon A Success

Recently we had a chance to host a luncheon for our Champions For Youth table captains, and invite them to meet our newest executive leaders as well as to provide their valuable feedback on how we can improve the event for years to come! In addition to the catered lunch and conversation, Daybreak staff were able to present table captains with a special commemorative lapel pin noting the number of [...]

July 17th, 2023|CFY, News|

Daybreak Receives Silver Seal of Transparency from Candid

Dayton, OH - Daybreak Dayton, the Miami Valley's only emergency shelter for youth and young adults, is proud to announce that they have once again received the Silver Seal of Transparency from Candid. This recognition furthers Daybreak's commitment to positive stewardship and transparency with our supporter base. The Candid Silver Seal of Transparency is a recognition awarded by Candid (formerly GuideStar) to nonprofit organizations that meet certain standards of transparency. [...]

June 29th, 2023|News|

Daybreak Staff Featured In Recent USA Today article on LGBTQ homelessness

This June, Daybreak CEO Alisha Murray and David's Place director Josh Egeland were both featured prominently in an article produced by USA Today on the alarming trend of homeless youth identifying as LGBTQIA+ in significant numbers. The piece was a part of the publication's ongoing focus on Pride month in America. To read the full article, click here. One of the more emotional points in the article features the statistic [...]

June 23rd, 2023|News|

Horizons Newsletter

Daybreak publishes its Horizons newsletter twice a year. You can read highlights from recent newsletters in the posts following this one. You can read PDF flipbooks of entire newsletters by using their links below. September 2020 Horizons February 2019 Horizons June 2018 Horizons To download and print/save Daybreak’s newsletters, you’ll need an Adobe product. Adobe Reader is a free program available from Adobe’s website. […]

November 18th, 2020|Newsletters|

Congratulations to Synchrony Financial of Kettering

Congratulations to Synchrony Financial of Kettering for receiving a Rubi Award by the Dayton LGBT HERStory-History Project! Recognized in the Growing Stronger: Strengthening Our Community, Synchrony plays a vital role in building our one community. To view their remarks and recognition of Daybreak, go to the 44:07 mark. Thank you, Synchrony Financial! Also, congratulations to PNC Bank, Casie Barlow and Ann Wilger for being recognized as a community builder also! [...]

November 17th, 2020|News|




  • Address: 605 South Patterson Boulevard Dayton, OH 45402-2649
  • Crisis Hotline: (937) 461-1000
  • Administrative Offices: (937) 395-4600
  • Fax: (937) 395-4610
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